Wednesday, April 22, 2015



Vì vậy ta phải nhấn mạnh rất nhiều tới những nguy hiểm của việc khơi hoạt Kundalini. Ta hãy khảo sát bản chất của chúng. Trước hết và trên hết ta có nguy cơ kích thích tình dục sao cho cá nhân bị kiệt quệ hết sinh lực do bị tình dục ám ảnh. Sự loạn trí cũng nằm theo đường lối này. Sinh lực tình dục và hoạt động tình dục có liên quan mật thiết tới Kundalini, vì cả hai đều có tính cách vô cùng sáng tạo về bản chất và sự phát triến của thứ này ắt kích động sự phát triển của thứ kia. Mọi thôi thúc tình dục phải bị hoàn toàn kiểm soát, tùy ý của cá thể và phải ở tình trạng của điều mà ta có thể gọi là sự siêu hóa,



Câu cuối cùng của chương vừa nêu đưa chúng ta ngay tới phần mở đầu đáng ngạc nhiên báo trước đủ thứ cuộc trải nghiệm và thực nghiệm.Trong tia chớp lóe đầu tiên của sự bành trướng trực giác và có thể là còn cao hơn nữa, người trải nghiệm đâm ra bị chìm sâu vào một ý thức về quan hệ giữa tiểu vũ trụ với đại vũ trụ. Y nhất thời bay bổng lên. Tâm thức của y chớp lóe ra bên ngoài tới điều dường như là biên giới xa nhất của không gian, và y đắm chìm vào cái sự thật vinh diệu hoàn toàn khiến cho ta tin chắc về sự thống nhất mật thiết trong tâm thức của chính y,

Kundalini là gì?

Kundalini là gì? Từ Bắc phạn này thường được dịch theo nhiều cách khác nhau bởi những kẻ không thực sự quan niệm được chức năng của điều được mệnh danh như thế.

Dường như ngữ căn của nó là động từ Kund, nghĩa là “đốt cháy”. Đây là ý nghĩa rất quan trọng vì Kundalini là Lửa xét theo khía cạnh đốt cháy. Nhưng từ này còn được giải thích thêm nữa qua danh từ Kunda, nghĩa là một cái lỗ hoặc một cái chén.


Như ta đã thấy, Kundalini tức Hỏa xà là một trong các lực xuất phát từ mặt trời và hoàn toàn riêng rẽ, phân biệt đối với Fohat và Prana, theo như chúng tôi biết cho đến nay thì chúng không được chuyển hóa ra thành bất kỳ dạng nào của các lực khác.

Thiền Yên Lặng Bản Tóm Tắt cho Phần Thực Tập

Thiền Yên Lặng

Bản Tóm Tắt cho Phần Thực Tập

Các tiến trình của Hỏa Xà / Kundalini:

  • Thông khí sơ khởi: sức nóng trổi dậy toàn thân, thoát ra trên đầu và theo mồ hôi thoát qua các lỗ chân lông.
  • Thông khí hoàn chỉnh: sức nóng trổi dậy thành 2 đường (trước bụng và sau lưng), lên đến cổ hoặc đầu thì hợp lại và thoát ra trên đỉnh đầu.
  • Thông lửa: sức nóng cao độ trổi dậy từ đốt xương cùng, đi thật chậm, lên đến cổ/vai dừng lại một lúc rồi lên tiếp và thoát ra trên đỉnh đầu.

Thiền Yên LặngTác Giả: Nhà Sư Khất Sĩ THÍCH GIÁC NHIỆM

Thiền Yên Lặng Bản Tóm Tắt Phần Thực Tập 2

Thiền Yên Lặng

Bản Tóm Tắt cho Phần Thực Tập

Những vấn đề liên quan khác

Hiện tượng kế tiếp là “thông địa”: Có thể bạn sẽ bất ngờ cảm nhận một luồng năng lực mạnh xuyên qua huyệt hội âm (tức Luân Xa 1) như từ một cây súng bắn bằng hơi, chớp nhoáng đau như xé thịt nhưng hết ngay. Tuy việc mở Luân Xa 1 có liên hệ nào đó với hoạt động của Hỏa Xà, nhưng hình như mở xong LX1 không nhất thiết là đánh thức hoặc khởi dậy được năng lượng Hỏa Xà, ngược lại, thông lửa xong thì lại hay tự động mở LX 1.
Hiện tượng khác là lùng bùng lỗ tai, nghe như có con gì chui vào hoặc vật gì đâm vào, rồi một làn hơi “đặc sệt” không nóng, không lạnh từ từ lan rất chậm từ trái sang phải, rồi từ phải sang trái, có khi còn đi thêm từ trên xuống dưới và ngược lại. Những hiện tượng này xảy ra một cách tự nhiên, không do mình chủ động. Hình như, ngoài việc quân bình âm dương, nó còn khai thông toàn bộ các huyệt đạo nhỏ và cải tiến dòng điện của các tế bào thần kinh trong toàn cơ thể.

Thiền Yên Lặng- Thông khí sơ khởi

Thiền Yên Lặng

Thông khí sơ khởi

Khi bạn định tâm liên tục, cộng với sức nóng từ bên ngoài, mồ hôi sẽ chảy ra rất nhiều. Những lớp mồ hôi đầu tiên có thể sẽ có mùi tanh, nhớt, hoặc là rít, đôi khi có màu (đen, nâu, xám, đỏ…) đó là mồ hôi trược bung ra. Sau đó, sẽ là những lớp mồ hôi trong hơn, cho đến khi mồ hôi không còn bung ra nữa. Trong suốt giai đoạn này, sức nóng toàn thân cũng sẽ khởi lên. Sức nóng này mang theo trược khí và sẽ theo sau mồ hôi mà thoát ra khỏi cơ thể.
Khi hơi nóng trược khí này lên tới đầu, bạn sẽ nghe cảm giác nặng đầu, hoặc có gì đó quay vòng vòng trên đầu, hoặc nghe như con gì đang bò, nghe căng đầu, nhột, nóng… đó là sức nóng lên tới đỉnh đầu đang tìm cách “khui” một “lỗ” vô hình trên đầu ở huyệt Bách Hội để thoát ra. Lúc này, bạn cứ việc giữ tâm trong yên lặng và đọc thầm cho đến khi nào sức nóng bung ra được

Thiền Yên LặngTác Giả: Nhà Sư Khất Sĩ THÍCH GIÁC NHIỆM

Thiền Yên Lặng- Cách thức thanh lọc trược khí (tức là thông khí sơ khởi)

Thiền Yên Lặng

Cách thức thanh lọc trược khí (tức là thông khí sơ khởi)

Giai đoạn đầu là cần làm cho đổ mồ hôi nên chúng ta phối hợp: định tâm + xông hơi, hoặc định tâm + mặc áo mưa. Nhờ định tâm và đổ mồ hôi, cơ thể sẽ bắt đầu tiến trình giải phóng trược khí. (Nhưng xông hơi hay mặc áo mưa cũng chỉ là phương tiện lúc đầu, không phải là chính yếu của pháp môn này. Chính yếu là ứng dụng được cơ chế tự nhiên của năng lực Hỏa Xà Kundalini để giải khổ, giải nghiệp và giải thoát.)

Thiền Yên Lặng- Hướng dẫn cách thực tập

Thiền Yên Lặng

 Hướng dẫn cách thực tập

Những nguyên tắc và kỹ thuật để tập thông khí và thông lửa:
Việc thực tập sẽ trải qua nhiều giai đoạn, từ xông hơi, ngồi thiền để đánh thức cơ chế giải trược và mở huyệt bách hội đến những giai đoạn khai mở những vận hành khác. Tuy nhiên, cho dù mục đích của mỗi giai đoạn có khác nhau, chúng ta cũng sẽ thực hành các thủ tục giống nhau: ngồi thiền, đọc thầm, nằm thiền, thiền ngủ và đả thông. Dưới đây là các hướng dẫn cơ bản:

 Thiền Yên Lặng Tác Giả: Nhà Sư Khất Sĩ THÍCH GIÁC NHIỆM

Thiền Yên Lặng

Thiền Yên Lặng

Một Phương Pháp Thanh Lọc và Chuyển Hóa Thân Tâm

Thiền Yên Lặng là một phương pháp thực tập dễ dàng, có hiệu quả cao và vô cùng hữu ích cho tất cả mọi người; thế tục, người tu, già, trẻ … ai tập cũng được. Đến với pháp môn này, người thế tục thì mong được lành bệnh và có một đời sống tinh thần thoải mái, nhẹ nhàng, thoát khỏi sự đau khổ về những thăng trầm của cuộc đời, những hệ lụy gia đình, quan hệ giữa con người với con người, những khắc khoải về mất mát, thúc giục, tình cảm, quan niệm, v.v… Người tu thì muốn tiến hóa tâm linh nhưng vẫn còn bị trở ngại về thân như càng tu càng bệnh thêm, hay trở ngại về tâm như càng tu tánh tình càng khó khăn, cau có, nóng nảy, không cưỡng nổi ham muốn, cám dỗ, quyền lực, v.v…
Summary for The Practice
The process of Mars Bars / Kundalini:

Preliminary ventilation: body heat rise, according to exit the top and sweat to escape through the pores.
Complete ventilation: heat rise into 2 lines (abdomen and back), neck or head to the right and get out on top.
Info fire: extreme heat rise from the vertebrae together, walk slowly, up to the neck / shoulder stop for a moment and then up to and exit on top.

Eat, drink, not so hungry.
Prepare a steam tent, cooking water, blankets or raincoat.
Prepare to replace clothing, towels, plastic bags, canvas cover.
Turn off all fans, air conditioning.
If necessary, prepare to sit knee, foot problems to list.
If not steam but raincoat and wrapped a blanket sitting meditation, you can drink a hot cup or bowl of hot soup if desired.
Ventilation preliminarySitting meditation:

Sitting cross-legged, edit limbs and body so relaxed, pleasant.
Adjust the head, neck, back straight. Eyes closed, looking down, slightly raised collar.
Breathe a few deep breaths, slowly, the muscles loose breath out.
Prayer, sometimes the light of wisdom and compassion embraces all. Please protect, heal and now welcome any form.
Mindfulness steady, continuous, not to interject thoughts.
Do not care about any changes in your body around. Ignoring all the pain, itching, tickling, sweat ... just stared at the notion.
Sitting meditation is finished, go right meditation.
Located meditation:

Supine or lateral, blanket sealed surface also want to leave.
If not, the concept further information, also fell asleep for a while.
If the then discern soles (will heat up). Mind quiet.
Sleep meditation:

Adjust the head, neck and back straight. Breathe some breath, relax the muscles.
Quiet the mind, not thinking. Privacy mind dwell in tranquility make during sleep. Whisper quiet anniversary or to go to sleep in peace.
Every waking, such as back to sleep again.
Down through:

During the day, any time with the heat start listening to the head or clog pain, tingling in the body, sneezing, cough ..., then keep quiet mind, thought silently until before escaping over the top.

Ventilation complete
After the initial ventilation, without steam or rain wear anymore. Continue to wrap the blanket regularly meditate, meditate lying, sleep meditation and agreed (whenever heat start) until complete aeration.Info fire
After aeration complete, continue regular blanket wrap meditate, meditate lying, sleep meditation and agreed (whenever heat start) until informed fire.
Silence Meditation
After the fire, began to enter the Silence Meditation: Daily continues to meditate, meditate lying, sleeping meditation and contemplation informed but do not need any more silent reading. Although the body continues purification before when necessary, but the main purpose of meditation now is not to "inform" before but to step into Stillness. (The above steps necessary to talk to the sliding as much before the site is dominated many difficult steps in Quiet.)
When meditating, just keep quiet mind, indulge every thought, every muscle, every interest. When the mind is silent (on), will have the following signs: do not hear about body (called lost relatives), no pain or numbness, the perception of time and space difference (time lapse faster, space changes, etc ...). At first, the dreaming mind to dream and rest, after deeper into the Stillness, the mind will awareness, insight and wisdom gradually. In real life, the physical body changes, countenance bright, peaceful, less sick, not addiction. Mood peaceful, pleasant, gradually softer. It does not take, please do not violence, compassion development properties. If the practitioner does not show signs of this nature, it is likely to be practiced wrong. Please contact the experience to learn more.
The other issues
The next phenomenon is "the place": You may suddenly feel a strong flow of power through the vented negative associations (ie Chakras 1) as from an air gun trees, lightning pain as tear flesh but all right. But the opening of chakras first contact with certain operations of Mars bars, but apparently open LX1 is not necessarily finished wake or start up energy bars Mars, by contrast, is done through the fire, or automatically Open LX 1.
Other phenomena that break down the ear, sounds like what I have to get into or something hit, and a breath "thick" not hot, not cold slowly spreads very slowly from left to right and from right to left , are even further away from top to bottom and vice versa. These phenomena occur naturally, not by his initiative. Apparently, in addition to the balance of yin and yang, it was clear the whole graving small and improvement of the current nerve cells throughout the body.
The cause was not informed: Read silently intermittently, distracted, move, leave a position empty ample sluggish, the breath, notice or react annoyed with the noise outside, listening Buddhist concept of the machine or hear the clock ticking wall instead of silent reading, or pay attention to the feeling of itching, pain, leg numbness, or unwanted side effects push the heat, head misalignment, there crush competition, vying wanted "message" ahead of the others, who are now invisible force is too heavy, or too should have more knowledge on how to test enough information (ie the mind into a state of "active" , not in the Silence). The increasingly using "standard", the ability to "inform" the slower and more simple, more informed quickly! Why? Because people are familiar with "standard" demand the questions, answers, definitions or inferred phenomena are changes in the body so the mind is not in a state of detachment, quiet. As well as those who have set the other methods, habits and body operate in "standard" would hinder communication is difficult. So, if anyone has practiced the other methods then, the work that he has suspended the use of this approach in practice is open at this energy. Thus, the body will understand and temporarily operate under the previous entry.
These exceptions: Some people do not feel the heat that saw throbbing at some point in the body, stress on the head, tingling or tickling in grave Botanical Society (ie LX 7): feeling at any point it means that the heat has to get to that place. When first listening to pleasant, gentle, it also means that you have been informed.
Group meditation and mutual assistance: Every day, at 8:00 - 10 pm hour meditation is "common" for meditators of this method. Who should be assisted, while meditating, silently saying "I requested help for ventilation / communication Fire" will receive. Who was informed by then, wanted assistance to others, then do the following:
Please light of wisdom, compassion capacity to cover every meditator, then inform yourself as usual. Identify the resources you want to support someone (even someone you do not know exactly who). Listen to your body dissolves into the body of the other. Quietly listening to the current state of your body. When her hotness, pain or stress where it said that the current state of your body is helping. Kept informed his usual self. Then when listening to "inform" the state said it was the other person has finished informed.
Note: Only booster discontinued after informed and feel. If you have to stop halfway to determine secretly I mean "I want out of the synergy" self through meditation a few minutes and then discharged.
Formulas now: Only the light of wisdom and compassion, plus the ability Silence (concentration) of the practitioner and an affinity maturation can neutralize, transform and liberate the knowledge and professional lemur. Thus, although the resolution for yourself or for someone else's business, tangible or intangible, or the place had a murder, misery, pain, etc ..., we use a similar formula is different: sometimes the light of wisdom and compassion embraces all down to enlighten, heal and welcome any form now, and practitioners immersed in the Silence to share with everyone the absolute peace this.
People with psychic ability or third label will clearly see the release and departure of many souls, and who does not "see" it also will feel the gentle, peace soon. If the physical condition of our business comes due after the form has now been dissolved, the body will begin to heal itself without also hampered or become worse. However, should not arbitrarily stop treatment with other medical facilities, still need testing and expert advice.
After the Fire Update: still incorporate meditation as above, through daily self and meditate to keep body and mind in "on" as long as possible. Once the heart is then I can stop reading silently (concept), set not interested in change, or agreed to self-purification of the body, not paying attention to the perception of the senses. Letting go of all thoughts, all concepts and the quiet and sinking deeper into the realms of Silence as possible. It truly is Silent meditation. Now, we have the ability to progress further in Silence for spiritual growth, return to nature or to the one who can enter the Endless.
Next, we keep the body and mind set of "on" even when not meditating such as walking, standing, lying, sitting, working, etc. The most important thing is how the meditation in everyday life, whether working or busy trade, our minds are constantly invisible strings to contact this silence. Phenomena and external circumstances will gradually diminish affect my soul. The inner urge to gradually loosen also returns us to the original peace.
Some time later, the flow capacity of the second mystery, silver or light colored chakra from 1 will rise up early. Then, all perceive, feel, wisdom, mystery will be the secret of each individual, no two people are alike. This is the part of a wise spiritual capacities soap Kundalini Fire. We wish you find peace and liberation.
(The team of Silent Meditation)
Ventilation preliminary
When you are constantly on the mind, plus the heat from the outside, sweat will flow a lot. The first layer of sweat can be smelling, viscous, or hiss, sometimes colored (black, brown, gray, red ...), which is sweat sliding unwind. Then the class will be sweating over, until the sweat no longer inflate. During this period, the body heat will arise. Bring the heat this before and will follow the release of sweat from the body.
When the heat before it reached the top, you will hear the first heavy feeling, or something rotating on the head, or what sounds like the cow, hear the first stretch, tickling, it's hot ... heat up to tip is trying to "cut open" a "hole" in the grave on top of intangible Botanical Society to escape. At this point, you just interested in keeping quiet and silent reading until the heat is unbent.
The signs were opened: When informed, someone will hear a small explosion on the head, someone heard the hissing noise, or as the wind blew hair flying, explosive pop noises in the nose, forehead sounds like a cool wind cooling or do not hear anything besides listen cool slightly. Anyway, if you hear a slight head down, cool comfort, or slightly cooler spreading slowly down side is all. If you continue to sit, slightly cooler will spread throughout the body. You can check the following: move your shoulders up to see two shoulder pain has not expired, sealing one nostril, exhale, and then the other side of nose, exhale. If both nostrils the breath you are informed (normally less who breathe through both sides at the same time), when meditation is, discern where your heart pins, if the heat arises from the soles of the feet also have means adopted. The signs of this information means that is vented Botanical Society chakra 7 on top was open. If not tired, you sit for a few other heat wave comes up and then completely discharged into meditation. This is done preliminary stage aeration.
After the initial gas, you do not need steam or rain wear anymore, you just wrap the blanket meditate. Whenever meditation, you still continue to perform these steps until ventilation and fire:
First step. Pray, determine in its sole ventilation or fire information
The second step. Concentration by reading silently continuous
The third step. Located meditation: meditate when you are meditating.
The fourth step. Sleep Meditation: when sleep should incorporate meditation to utilize this time.
The fifth step. Freezing information when listening to the heat in the

After extracting heat out through the pores, the heat will automatically gathered up, according to two lines: the front of the abdomen and back, go up to the top of the head or neck, then half again and then unwind in the grave Botanical Society, which is that you have complete ventilation. You will hear a slight cooling sensation spread from the top of the head down the whole body, such as air "bar" is on his body.Info fire
If immediately after the gas that you diligently continue to take steps on a continuous period of about a week, you will feel an intense heat flow going up very slowly over each vertebra, so stop below Last neck vertebrae, and then slowly to the top of the grave and urgent opportunity to escape. It is a common sign of fire. (Occasionally, a person feels a cold air instead of hot, this case is still considered to be informed of fire.) If there are no conditions to meditate for several days shortly after aeration, it will through the fire after a long period of meditation regularly.
Method of purification before (ie the initial ventilation)
The first stage is to make us sweat should coordinate: Steam + concentration, or concentration + raincoat. Thanks to the heart and sweating, the body will begin the process of liberation before. (But steam or rain wear well at first only a means, not the key of this method. The main application is the natural mechanism of Kundalini power to the size Mars bars, the industry and the out.)
Without steam conditions, the simplest way is to wear a raincoat before meditation drink a glass of hot water or hot to eat a bowl of porridge in the heat, then wrap a blanket sitting meditation.
If you use a steam tent, because right before dressing tent out of the tent, let's remove existing dry clothes and towels in a plastic bag. Prepare a place located discreetly, without wind, almost broke tent, blankets ready to covering the people rushed out of tents, tarpaulin cover is right place to sweat out.
If you broke folk style is just a pot of boiling water and a blanket to cover up. Just pour water often, do not use any flavoring. (Do not use rice cooker steam inside the tent because it is not safe.)
You can also create a steam tent squares, circles ... arbitrary, as long as the space inside is not too big or too small to get enough heat to your body.
When sitting meditation steam or rain wear, one should eat, do not leave hungry because we do not want to feel hungry distractions during meditation. Dressed simple. Turn off all fans, air conditioning. Once everything is ready, we perform the following steps:
First step. Pray.
The second step. The mind by reading silently, ie continuous anniversary during sit steam. Each time, it broke at least 1 hour. (Ideally steam until the initial ventilation then stopped.)
The third step. Stop steam: the case when the sweat off, we can stop steam. Body heat continues bung out. Continue to meditate another 10 minutes or until light and see the new cool people out of the tent. Absolutely not sleep in the tent broke!
The fourth step. Stormed out of the tent: When you want to discharge meditation, if they keep wearing raincoat raincoat, lie down. If steam is revealed to the wind and out of the tent to air conditioning inside and outside. Before getting out of the tent, to wipe sweat and dressing. When out of the tent, to avoid infection, the wind is right now, hooded blanket from head to toe, (if present fear of suffocating it leaves out). Do not clean out or anything.
The fifth step. Zen meditation is and sleep: Where to heat up to the top, if sleepy, then every 30-45 minutes long asleep, but if not, it is quiet to sleep for at least 15 minutes to get out. The goal is to keep that heat before being left in the body has a chance to escape before. This heat can dry the sweat and clothing. (Note: After steaming, wait at least one hour to take a bath.)
The sixth step. Rest, eat and then repeat the above steps until the initial ventilation then you do not need steam or rain wear anymore.
These cases frequently during inhalation:
If you listen to dry burning sensation, severe neck, hormones and thirsty or listen 2 shoulder pain, sometimes you vomit ... it is the heat trapped in the neck. If boiling stomach and flatus, which is the heat is collected before the abdomen. If abnormal sleepiness means the heat is trapped eye level. Listen pain, itching, etc ... it's clearing mechanism is operating, is adopted ... You try to ignore all the above sense. Chanted repeatedly for the heat to overcome the feelings that will end soon. Remember to stock up so looked back - head - neck line up! If the heat trapped at the top for so long, but can not get out, you try to stop concept, open eyes looking down, breathe deeply and slowly some steam, while relaxing the muscles in the head, face, neck, shoulders, and continue to steadily concept, not watching or "extra push" heat, heat the new bung out.
Instructions on how to practice
The principles and techniques to set ventilation and fire:
The trainee will undergo several stages, from steam, meditate to awaken the sliding mechanism and open vented immediate opportunity to stage the opening of other operators. However, whether the purpose of each stage varies, we will practice the same procedure: meditate, read silently, is meditation, meditation and agreed to sleep. Here are the basic guidelines:
How to meditate: The goal is how people, especially those who have not experienced in meditation, can sit still as long as possible and free from distractions. So should we not require sitting as other meditation. I need one seat quietly, with prop as possible, a pillow to sit on a pillow to sit for more leg room, the vacuum is numb, a pillow to lean more if we Statistics back. Sitting cross-legged or sale are old, if not used, then sat cross-legged in the leg or foot apart, if necessary, prescribed a soft towel under the instep and knees to feet without pain. When sitting, back, neck and head erect (not stooping, bending the neck, the heat will be trapped). Relax the whole body, not to any muscle in the body longer gong gong because that is where all emit thought or attention. Drain the maximum relaxation to the body and mind relax completely new heat it up easily.
Meditation is how you can lie supine or arbitrary, but is such that the head and neck with the spine straight. Who opened the grave, then just keep pressing Congress Center Silence, attentive but not directly receive light means paying attention to the two soles of the feet until the skin heat up. Discern the movement of this heat. Who is not open vented Botanical Society must continue to recite silently read news (see instructions below anniversary) for extracting heat out. Where are you asleep after waking up, keep in mind quiet, not thinking anything, did not think to dream if the dream.
How Meditation sleep: Because most of us have very little time to meditate, we take the time to put to sleep the body and mind into a state of meditation Silence by adjusting the head and neck aligned with the spine to "informed "(see instructions below), a few minutes to read silently back into silence and sleep. Every time we woke me from doing so and then go back to sleep.
How to Pray: You can pray to your own religious practices. General that I pray to Buddha, God or whatever you do they believe, let alone practice to achieve better results. Please light and illuminate his love, protection, healing and welcome all the food industry inside and outside of yourself. Silent for a minute to get the blessing (grace) of God. Then, with his self-identify themselves as practicing today through ventilation or fire. In case no one to pray then just imagine the light of wisdom and compassion to his bosses and government around to protect, help us, to heal and to welcome all the food industry as they emerge.
How to Center: The center of silence is difficult to sweat, hard start clearing mechanism, but if the mind by taking action will sweat and enable faster. In this method, we will use "real" to go on the net, which means we have to read silently (ie concepts) in the first continuous something a brief statement, from 6 letters back is the best. How is the concept, but said it did not matter. Many concepts: silence is golden, Namo Amitabha Buddha, Hail Mary, God the Trinity, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who then read one two three four five ... Read whatever, but as yet " information ", do not" mantras "alternative" concept "or dysentery pressed, will not achieve the right effect.
How anniversary: ​​We continuous mindfulness. Do not interrupt. Not to interject thoughts. No office noted that is not long at any one point as the right front chest, forehead, head, out of nowhere, out of breath ... etc. Read gently, do not try too. If interject thoughts, mind whirring on the shorter Mindfulness, Mindfulness Mindfulness hurry or out loud. If still distracted, try to imagine your face that we revere, put that picture in front of a distant one and thought about constantly, keeping him take pictures. When heat up close to the top, they must renounce the image that we just imagine the heat to inflate it.
How "informed": Starting after your initial ventilation, your body usually heat up from heaven, which is the body automatically cleans degenerations. Whenever heat start up, you do movements themselves informed by keeping the mind quiet, breathe few deep breaths and slowly, relax all muscles, especially on the head, face, neck and shoulders minutes, the heat will escape the top. You should do this regularly and even in everyday activities. If you wait until the evening to meditate there when communication is difficult and takes longer time to meditate.
If we ignore, not adopted, we were the first strain, neck pain, shoulder pain, malaise, drowsiness, crankiness and irritability. When first listening to stretch the blood pressure will tend to increase, after the "information" is complete, the blood pressure will drop to normal.
The intensity and duration of meditation: To ventilation and fire, you should urgently, at least during the first 3 days and nights, rotating set as follows: steam or sitting meditation, meditation is, meditation and agreed to sleep. Every time you meditate, try to at least about 1 hour. After the fire, you can reduce the intensity.

Kundalini: The Path of Silence- parts 1

The Path of Silence

Silence (Easeful/Tranquil) Meditation
A Method Purification and Transformation  Mind

Silence Meditation is a practice of easy, efficient and extremely helpful for everyone; secular, religious people, old, young ... who are also set. Go with this method, the secular are looking forward to healing and a spiritual life comfortable, gentle, escape the pain of the vicissitudes of life, the botheration family, interpersonal relationships man to man, the agony of loss, urges, feelings, opinions, thoughts ...

Kundalini Yoga


As we have seen, the Kundalini is one of the power comes from the sun and completely separate, discriminate against Fohatic and Prana, as far as we know so far, they are not transformed into any Any other kind of force.

Kundalin has been called by many different names that Mars bar, Mars and Lady of the World features. Clairvoyance to see it appear authentic like liquid fire as it runs through the body and route it to go through it as a spiral like the coils of a snake. The name Lady World is appropriate because thanks to it that everything is new can be flexible.

Kundalini | Kundalini chakra diagram


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For other uses, see Kundalini (disambiguation).
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Kundalini chakra diagram